Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oct 26 2011

I decided to begin this transition because I was tired of getting chemical burns during the relaxer process. It did not matter what type of perm, whether I scratched my scalp or not, I always got burned. And I am sick of it. Then I watched Chris Rock’s “Good Hair” and what I saw made sense. I wasn’t entirely convinced though and didn’t take the plunge until a good friend went natural and I figured if she could do it, so could I. In this photo my hair is freshly washed and oiled. (Coconut oil on the scalp and a combination of grape seed and almond oil on hair (about a 50/50 mix) and someAfrican Shea butter on the ends) I am not sure how long I will transition my hair, I will play it all by ear. I have no set timeline for anything and I am still trying to find the best products that will work on my hair. I am going to do my best to document everything that I am doing but we'll see. I'm new to this blogging thing so work with me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sis!!! I also am on the transition journey. My hair thinned out really bad, so I decided to go natural because the same thing happened to my sister. She went natural and dreaded her hair up, its mega thick now and down to her elbows after 5 years. So I will be checking you out :) Much love and be blessed. Your Sistar- Natacha Woody!
