Friday, November 4, 2011

In The Beginning

In the beginning there was a cute little colored girl with pigtails. She grew up in a small town in Nebraska and never could really understand why she could not wear her hair the way the other little white girls did. She spent countless hours sitting in front of the stove getting her hair pressed trying to get it as straight as the other girls. However, she still had to wear pigtails and her hair never did blow in the wind and fall back into place. She pretty much had to forget about swimming because she did not to be the only one at the pool wearing that ugly swimming cap and besides once her hair got wet the silky straightness was gone. Thus began the lifelong quest for ultra straight and sleek hair. I have been getting my hair processed since Jr High School. I started in 8th Grade with my first Jheri Curl which I never got the hang of. I never kept enough activator on it so it always looked all dried out. I did not like all that drippy wetness of the curl. I felt like that family from "Coming to America"..."Just let your soul glow...." messing up a lot of chairs in the process. Then I graduated to the relaxer and I've been hooked every since. So that makes about 30 years of getting my hair chemically processed. Wow...30 years...I'm getting old. So I have decided that it is time for me to embrace my natural hair. After watching Chris Rock's "Good Hair"it started making a lot more sense. Why should I subject myself to more chemical burns, and trust me 95% of all relaxers I've had burnt my scalp, and it seemed to be getting worse. I've had a few friends that have made this transition and have had a good experience with it so I decided to give it a try. I am committed to transitioning to my natural hair state and so far I like the way my natural curls look. They are not as bad as I thought. What is not giving is if and when I will do the "big chop". I plan on documenting my journey and posting plenty of pictures so I can track what I did and what worked the best for me. My last relaxer was in August 2011 and I have a long way to go but I will make it through.

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