Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Well I decided to give these braids a try and so far I must say that I like them. These were done on 29 October 2011 and I think they make me look different but that’s probably because I’ve never really wore braids before. The plan is to keep them in until Christmas which is about 2 months from now but that all depends on how well I can keep them up. As long as they still look good I will ride them out. Sure will be nice to wake up in the morning without having to brush and comb my hair. Talk about a time saver. I got these done at Naturally Yours Barber and Beauty Shop in Petersburg, VA. Lovely girl named Ashley braided me up in about 3 hrs and this is my hair, I did not add any hair in it. She roller set them to give me that curly look. They are a little smaller than I wanted and I’m not looking forward to taking them out when the time comes but for now they are great. Forgive my pictures, I know they don't look the best but it's the best I can do for now. Just a reminder for some, it is important to wash your braids and keep your scalp clean just like you do for unbraided hair. 

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