Sunday, May 13, 2012

New Regimine

So lately I have been only using conditioner on my hair. I put a moisturizing conditioner on my dry hair and I leave that on for a few hours or overnight. When I put it on I massage it into my hair and scalp and I detangle during this process. Before I jump in the shower I will finger detangle again. When I start rinse my hair I almost don't have to detangle any more because the water seems like it is detangling it. I rinse the deep conditioning completely out of my hair and then I add some Tresseme Naturals as a leave in. I must say for me following that simple routine is working wonders on my hair. So I will continue to do this until my hair doesn't respond to it any longer. On another note when I detangle my hair, I've noticed that my natural hair is easier to detangle than my relaxed ends. I really think it is time for the relaxed ends to go but I think I am going to hold out until September which will put me at one year of transitioning. Don't know why except I just don't think I want short hair.

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