Saturday, January 7, 2012

Took Braids Out

18 Nov 2011...So it took me about 4 hours to take out my braids so I don’t think I will ever get them that small again. That was a pain!!! So now I am about to put on some rhasoul clay as a deep conditioner, I will leave it on over night and wash it out in the morning. I will use 1 c. clay, 1 c water, and a 50/50 mix of almond and jojoba oil on my hair. I also put some coconut oil on my hair as I was taking out my braids and combing it through. I am hoping this will make my hair more manageable and soft as I am washing it out. I washed the clay out with Suave shampoo and conditioner. My hair was very soft and I did not have too bad of a time trying to detangle it. I did lose a lot of hair from shedding but I don’t worry about that so much. As long as my hair is not breaking and thinning I’m good with it. I figure I have not combed my hair in about 3 weeks so shedding was inevitable. Besides I’ve been shedding hair since I was little so it is normal for me. Today,19th, I just put my hair in 6 twists to let it dry. So far I am enjoying my transition to natural so I will definitely be keeping it up.